Timothy J. Nielsen

Co-founder and Executive Director of the Center for Evangelical Catholicism

Parish: St. Mary's

Email: tjnielsen@evangelicalcatholicism.com 

Website: www.evangelicalcatholicism.com 

BIO: Timothy (T.J.) Nielsen was raised in Arizona and is a Catholic convert. He attended Hillsdale College and earned a BA in history, studied at Clemson University for one year of graduate school, and earned his MA in Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut. He taught history and theology for five years in two different Catholic middle and high schools in South Carolina. In July 2013 he became the Director of Christian Formation at St. Mary Catholic Church in Greenville, South Carolina, where T.J. and his wife, Alycia, currently reside with their four children. In April 2015, T.J. led the way in incorporating the Center for Evangelical Catholicism and currently serves as its Executive Director.