
Come and see the New Evangelization in Action

Parish leaders from around the world visit St Mary’s in Greenville, South Carolina every year to see the New Evangelization in action according to the perennial mind of the Church. We recommend and encourage our visitors to come on Sunday to the 11.00 am Solemn High Mass to fully experience an Evangelical Catholic Parish in action.



5.00 pm    Anticipated Mass of Sunday

7.30 am    Low Mass
9.00 am    Sung Mass
11.00 am   Solemn Mass
1.00 pm    Spanish Mass

Mass at 7 am Monday through Friday

Visitors should always verify the schedule for Masses and Confessions by looking at the parish calendar. During July we do not have the Wednesday afternoon Holy Hour, and on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day the church is closed and Mass is not celebrated.

If you are not able to make it, please enjoy the 11.00 am Solemn High Mass at St. Mary’s livestreamed on Facebook each Sunday. or visit our YouTube Channel to view past masses.