The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the Gospel.

Mark 1.15


About Us

The Center For Evangelical Catholicism (the CEC) is a non-profit Catholic Think Tank, faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and dedicated Church’s call for a new evangelization. Through the three pillars of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty the CEC seeks to form evangelical Catholics who are intentional disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ equipped preach the Gospel and to fulfill the Great Commission.

We seek to fulfill our mission though top educational content, such as our conferences, lecture series, publications, and podcasts, as well as though our custom parish consulting.




Audio Lecture Library

 Reform Begins in the Parish

Forming Evangelical Catholic Parishes

The New Evangelization takes place primarily in parish churches led by priests who are assisted by lay leaders in fulfilling their duties to teach, sanctify, and govern the portion of the flock entrusted to their care. To help those entrusted with the task of forming parishes for the New Evangelization, the CEC offers a program called The Evangelical Catholic Parish.

The Evangelical Catholic Parish was born out of St Mary’s Catholic Church in Greenville, South Carolina: one of the most sterling examples of the New Evangelization in action. Through our consultation and coaching we work with pastors to form a comprehensive plan centered on the three pillars of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty to help their parish fulfill the great commission. Topics that are covered include, among others, the theoretical and practical dimensions of expository preaching, celebrating the sacred liturgy in keeping with the perennial mind of the Church and the authentic reforms of the Second Vatican Council, forming and teaching Catholics of every age for lives of intentional Christian discipleship, organizing the charitable activities of the parish in keeping both with the principles of Catholic social teaching and with the understanding of social justice as a personal virtue rather than an ideology or political platform. We don’t just theorize on how to enact the New Evangelization in parishes, but rather, we help provide priests with the necessary tools to actually implement it in the liturgy and life of their parish.

To see an Evangelical Catholic Parish in action please enjoy the 11.00 am Solemn High Mass at St. Mary’s in Greenville, South Carolina livestreamed on Facebook each Sunday.

“St Mary’s in Greenville South Carolina: a parish that is a thriving example of the New Evangelization, embodying the hope that the liturgical reform, reformed, can energize mission and empower missionary disciples.”

— George Weigel